About Fatema Begum:
I'm Fatema with medical background bachelor degree (M.B.B.S) from my country Bangladesh, till working in public health field with experience of 8+ years focusing SRHR, MCH, Family Planning service quality assurance, promotion evidenced based practices & strengthening of health system of Bangladesh from community to divisional level. I am skilled with mentorship implementation, policy development & implementation, data validation with analysis, application and implementation of digital health with documentation in multiple facilities of Sylhet division, Bangladesh. Interested in research based program which can directly help adoption of best global practices for maternal, child and adolescent health improvement with sustainability.
After completing my bachelor , done my compulsory paid internship based on direct client care in tertiary level government facility, following that obtained license as medical doctor in Bangladesh. Just after that continuing my job in private clinic as medical officer, and multiple INGO like Marie stopes International, Save the Children International as clinical focal person, and mentor. Now I am with Pathfinder International for coordinating to establish mentorship in family planning for quality family planning services as well as system strengthening through supportive supervision way adaption.
Completed my 5 years M.B.B.S degree from Cumilla Medical college under Chittagong University, Bangladesh on 2011.