beBee background
Non-profit / Volunteering
Ikram Hossain

Ikram Hossain

Business & market maker for the stakeholders.
Khulna, খুলনা জেলা


About Ikram Hossain:

I have good experience on sales and marketing system, have the dealing practice with corporate sectors, team management, supply chain & communication etc. Also working on agro market system, agro machinery technology transfer and irrigation management. I have excellent understanding of rural markets trading relationship, rural service providers and supply chain management, rural behavior, practices, attitudes, customs etc. Working Experience in sub sector analysis, profit analysis and business planning with farmers. Organize and facilitation skills on various meeting, training, workshop between service provider, private sector actor including target beneficiary and market actors. I have good knowledge on market development approach and value chain approach. Good skill on agreement set up between PSA and target Beneficiary.


# Ensuring agro machinery service business of service provider at local level through different interventions and activities in the assigned areas 
# Work closely with Private sector actors and monitor their activities in the field level (i.e. promotional/awareness creation, road show, demonstration, video show, service provider training, mechanics training and ensuring after sales service) to Promote and increase sales of irrigation technology, agro machinery and Services (supply and value chain) 
# Maintain close contact and communication for project planning, strategy formulation and other issues with partners NGOs, counterparts, service providers, government (DAE, BADC, BARI), private sector (ACI, Metal, Abedin, EFL, Janata Engineering, RK Metal etc.) and project participants 

# Working with light engineering sector to develop new Agro-machinery and quality spare parts to mitigate the demand of local farmers lessening the dependence on imported machinery and parts

# Contributing to the business growth/market development of light engineering sectors by increasing dealers channel members, online business access etc. 

# Ensuring the finance against the demand of the market actors like dealers, light engineering sectors, MSPs etc. by creating partnership through JVA with local and national FSIs/MFIs

# Building the capacity of the light engineering workforces by providing different capacity building training and creating new employment opportunities 
# Assist partner NGOs to recruit and deploy employments and monitor them regularly with specific job description 
# Cooperate partner NGOs to develop the capacity of their staffs on project activities and goals through different training like ToT on business planning, supply chain management 
# Assist partner NGOs to backstop them for program implementation at field level and ensure projects service delivery with specific demand of donors 
# Monitor and assist partners to ensure farm productivity, cropping pattern, crop diversification approach for small producers like women groups, youth groups, IPM/ICM/CIG groups to develop business models of relevant service providers and traders in order to enhance access to business market 
# Cooperate the groups for the easy access to finance for adopting Ag. machinery (Axial flow pump, irrigation pump, solar pump, reaper, combine harvester, power tiller operated seeder, bed planter etc.) through the initiative of linkage with different MFIs and FIs like JCF, RRF, TMSS, Wave Foundation, BRAC Bank, Janata Bank, Uttara Bank, Uttara Bank, IDLC, IPDC, MIDAS, Jamuna Bank etc. 
# Collaborative work with local govt. like Union Parishad, Upazilla Parishad, to implement project activities in concerned areas 
# Assist partners lead firms for linkage with govt. organization like DAE for access to govt. subsidy for their customers at Upazilla level 
# Determine the cost benefit analysis of existing and potential Agro machinery/technology/equipment and business in the rural/urban market 
# Assess private companies business potentiality and evaluate the best partner for market linkage 
# Arrange linkage meeting, business training among/for local service provider, market actors, producer group and relevant private sector also, promotional events and demonstrations for farm producers/users 
# Play active role to increase competitiveness in market development and improve efficiency implementing potential interventions 
# Monitoring and follow up the partners to have current market linkage system and collect regular sales data and to accelerate the process into "ROI" for the stakeholders 
# Follow up and monitor the field implementation of field/partner staffs ensuring their capacities to explore new market opportunities for the farmers/producers/value chain actors and update the senior management team 
# Present progress report and other reports in a regular basis, document the key learning & findings 
# Design, establish and maintain a system of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) for the projects and organization 
# Prepare intervention report, Monthly report, training report 
# Prepare success stories/cases on different issues of the markets achievements


MA in English (Govt. BL College, Khulna)

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